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  • The most important points of driving at night!

    The most important points of driving at night!

    One person drove at night. The oncoming vehicle galloped in, and he politely converted the dazzling high beams into low beams. But the other party ignored him and galloped past, and the bright light pierced his eyes, making him unhappy. In the dazzling white light, he ushered in the next far-beamist... read more

    Aug 16,2021 Industry News
  • Characteristics of automotive plastic parts

    Characteristics of automotive plastic parts

    Automotive plastic parts can be roughly divided into functional parts and structural parts according to their main uses. Functional parts are independent parts that use some special physical and chemical properties of materials, such as plastic oil-impregnated bearings. Structural parts are covering... read more

    Aug 10,2021 Industry News
  • Daquan of automotive plastic parts, do you know?

    Daquan of automotive plastic parts, do you know?

    1. Engine accessories, mainly including engine, engine assembly, throttle body, cylinder block, tensioner, etc.; 2. Powertrain accessories, including clutches, transmissions, gearshift lever assemblies, reducers, magnetic materials, etc.; 3. Brake system accessories, mainly including brake master cy... read more

    Aug 02,2021 Industry News
  • Automotive plastic parts application and welding

    Automotive plastic parts application and welding

    The 100kg of plastic materials on modern cars have replaced the traditional metal materials that originally required 200-300kg, and the weight reduction effect is very prominent, which is of great significance for saving energy and reducing greenhouse gas emissions. According to statistics, there ar... read more

    Jul 26,2021 Industry News
  • What is automotive injection molded parts

    What is automotive injection molded parts

    Injection molding is a method of producing shapes for industrial products. Products usually use rubber injection molding and plastic injection molding. Injection molding can also be divided into injection molding compression method and die casting method. Injection molding machine (abbreviated as in... read more

    Jul 19,2021 Industry News